Who shouldn’t lead pricing in a distribution business?

Who shouldn’t lead pricing in a distribution business?
Many distributors include this responsibility in the role of a busy executive or consider it a back-office administrative position.
As a result, sales reps spend too much time trying to manage the process, do their best with what they have and are less productive as a result.
That results in inconsistent pricing, customer complaints and excessive overrides.
Instead, identify someone you trust to lead your pricing function to ensure that your strategy, people, data, processes and technology are aligned to get the result you’re looking for. It’s more than about being good with numbers; the role of the pricing leader is to drive positive change.
If you don’t have anyone that can do it internally, consider hiring an outside expert to get started on the right track until you can identify candidates for this role.
When done with the right team, you can minimize risks and successfully implement better pricing that gives you more clarity, confidence and capability.